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  • SMART POL Badges - A Recognized and Respected Symbol Worldwide

    Smart Pol Badges are a globally recognized symbol of affiliation with this non-governmental organization. Founded in 2018, Smart Pol focuses on improving international relations among police officers worldwide and promoting collaboration among them through modern tools. The Smart Pol Windshield Badge is a distinctive sign that allows members to show their affiliation and identify themselves to each other, regardless of national borders. This badge is made up of a gold-plated medallion with a unique 3D effect, featuring a police officer figurine with a helmet and the organization's name. Smart Pol aims to offer its members access to a vast network of police officers from around the world, as well as opportunities for training and professional development. The organization also promotes collaboration among police agencies in different countries and supports charitable activities. Police organization badges are recognized and respected worldwide, and police officers who wear these symbols are seen as part of an international community of professionals dedicated to protecting citizens and maintaining public order. The badge is accompanied by a personalized membership card and name card with a unique series. Smart Pol Windshield Badges can be obtained by honorary members by joining the organization and paying an annual fee. Honorary members are individuals who support Smart Pol's goals and wish to affiliate with the organization without being police officers. Honorary members are individuals who have made significant contributions to Smart Pol and are recognized for their efforts. To obtain a Smart Pol Windshield Badge, sympathizing or honorary members must complete a registration form and pay the annual fee. After this, they will receive a windshield badge, along with a unique series card and ID, which they can display on their personal vehicle or visibly wear on their Smart Pol wallet. These badges can also be proudly worn at Smart Pol events or other occasions where members of the organization meet. We invite you to learn how you can become a member and obtain a badge here: We are also looking for collaborators from all around the world. If you are interested, please write to us here:

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Other Pages (68)

  • Sursă Externă 2024 | Admitere in Politie | Smartpol

    Admitere Politie Bine ați venit pe platforma noastră de pregătire pentru admiterea în poliție – simplu, eficient, admis! Grupuri Suport Sursa Externa Sursa Externa Politie DEC 2024 Sursa Externa Jandarmerie 2024 Meditații Pregătire Proba Scrisă Blog Admitere Poliție La Sindicatul Național al Polițiștilor Smart Pol, înțelegem cât de important este visul tău de a deveni polițist. De aceea, am creat un sistem de pregătire care simplifică întregul proces de admitere, transformându-l într-o călătorie directă către succes. Grupuri WA Admitere/Sursă Externă Angajare Sursa Externa 2025 Calendar Oficial Școli Poliție 2025 Pregătire Meditații Admitere Poliție Alte Articole despre Sursă Externă Inscrie-te! Instrucție Digitală Transformă-ți Visul în Realitate cu Platforma Noastră de Admitere în Poliție Descoperă calea cea mai directă și personalizată spre o carieră în poliție, începând chiar aici, pe Site-ul Smart Pol. Cu un proces simplificat de pregătire și o comunitate vibrantă de aspiranți la cariera de polițist, demontăm complexitatea admiterii și îți oferim toate instrumentele necesare pentru succes. Unirea Forțelor: TU , Noi, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, WhatsApp și Google Meets Conectare Instantă: Urmărește-ne pe Instagram, Tik Tok și Facebook pentru ultimele noutăți, sfaturi practice și povești inspiraționale din partea cursanților noștri. Comunitatea ta de Studiu: Alătură-te grupurilor noastre de WhatsApp/Telegram pentru a primi actualizări regulate, materiale de studiu și pentru a te conecta cu alți candidați. Învățare Flexibilă și Accesibilă: Participă la sesiunile noastre gratuite pe Google Meets, unde experții noștri îți vor împărtăși cunoștințele și tehnici de studiu eficiente. Fiecare sesiune este o oportunitate de a învăța și de a interacționa, oferindu-ți flexibilitatea de a participa ori de câte ori dorești, fără costuri suplimentare. Simplu. Personalizat. Eficace. La noi, pregătirea pentru admiterea în școlile de poliție nu este doar despre acumularea de cunoștințe, ci despre crearea unei experiențe de învățare adaptate nevoilor tale: Simplu: Acces ușor la toate resursele de care ai nevoie pentru a reuși, fără complicații inutile. Personalizat: Feedback și suport adaptat profilului tău de învățare, asigurându-ți progresul constant. Eficace: Metode de învățare dovedite, concentrate pe maximizarea șanselor tale de succes la examen. Pregătirea Ta, Pe Ritmul Tău Nu contează dacă ești la începutul drumului sau te apropii de linia de finiș – Instructorii noștri sunt disponibili pentru tine oricând. Învățarea nu a fost niciodată mai accesibilă și mai flexibilă. Intră în sesiuni când poți și cât de des dorești, fără presiunea unui program fix. Fă Primul Pas cu Noi Intră în comunitatea Sindicatului Național al Polițiștilor Smart Pol astăzi și începe transformarea visului tău într-o realitate palpabilă. Înscrie-te acum pentru a accesa o lume de resurse, suport și inspirație. Suntem aici pentru a te ghida pe fiecare pas al călătoriei tale către o carieră de succes în poliție.

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    New Page Shop About Copy of Insigne About Blog Contul Meu About Us Search Results Refer Friends Loyalty Plans & Pricing Challenges More SMART POL - ORGANIZATION FOR A SAFE ROMANIA

  • Comunitate | Smartpol

    citizen SMART, WE ARE GLAD YOU DECIDED TO JOIN US! The community is not a good thing, it is a living organism, which needs constant care and involvement to be functional. In all this, the police have been given the mission to make the environment we live in, SURE. And it's not an easy task! For this, laws, procedures, codes and hierarchies have been built that make up a complex system and all its parts must operate in tandem and at the assigned frequencies. Although we rarely remember, one of these pieces is the INDIVIDUAL, both the individual who is the object of protection and the one who protects. What if the designers and protectors of public order received information from those for whom they provide security, directly, unaltered, NOW? Chaos, some would say! Well, think twice! Any unexpressed need leads to speculation, an exercise in probabilities. What are the chances that the one who needs protection and the one who offers it, will meet, without communicating their day, time and location? Impossible? The purpose of the Smart Pole is to provide an information and communication framework that allows police officers to make informed decisions quickly and safely. But we want to go further: What if every citizen was just as secure in relation to law enforcement? Not only does it meet law enforcement, making the exercise of their profession easier, but it gains the freedom to actively participate in the safety of public space, which we all want! We have long passed the era in which 'we know for you!', We are here, now, in the era 'WE KNOW WITH YOU!'. That's why we offer you the first application of police officers and citizens with: - The possibility to access legal information that concerns you directly, whenever you need: how to prevent, what to do, how to do and with whom to talk; - The channel through which to tell us what we can do to make you feel safer; - The place to notify us whenever you need us (eg accident, aggression, etc.). Fast geolocation, when your situation doesn't allow you to talk to us on the phone. We want you to be sure that we work for you, and for that security of communication is essential. We put the protection of your identity above all else and for that we will agree to PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY until the moment you want your interlocutors to tell you by name. Try the SECRET FORM What does your involvement mean: - You know more about how you can protect yourself and those around you and you know that we are with you whenever you need it; - You help us to be able to serve you on time; - Contribute to building a community that feels and is safe. Do not think that your values will not be reflected in the environment in which you live. It's impossible! I ask you now: What do you want your TA community to look like? Button

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